ACRE (Amesville Community Resources for Entrepreneurs): ACRE primary purpose is to offer affordable space to artists, businesses and organization so they can grow their capacity to offer services. The available rooms are in the old Amesville Elementary School (29 North Franklin Street) and measure 23 feet by 34 feet (782 square feet). Each south facing room has 384 square feet of windows that offers solar gain and natural light that is exceptional. The north facing rooms also have 384 square feet of windows that offers less solar gain but cooler summer temperatures. The outdoor patio at ACRE houses the "New Coonskin Library" and the Amesville Micro Museum. www.amesvilleacre.weebly.com or contact: 740-777-4621

AMESVILLE GRANGE 798: is part of the National Grange of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry, also simply styled the Grange, is a fraternal organization for American farmers that encourages farm families to band together for their common economic and political well-being. Founded in 1867 after the Civil War, it is the oldest surviving agricultural organization in America, though now much diminished from the over one million members it had in its peak in the 1890s through the 1950s. In addition to serving as a center for many farming communities, the Grange was an effective special interest group for farmers and their agendas, including fighting railroad monopolies and advocating rural mail deliveries. Indeed, the word "grange" itself comes from a Latin word for grain, and is related to a "granary" or generically, a farm.

Amesville Masonic Lodge: Masonry is the world's first and largest fraternal organization, and is based on the belief that each man has a responsibility to help make the world a better place. Through our culture of philanthropy, we make a profound difference for our brothers, our families, our communities, and our future. The first Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons was established in 1717 in London. In 1718, English Freemasonry spread to France and Spain, and after 1729, to India, Italy, Poland, and Sweden. Freemasonry spread to other parts of Europe and eventually made its way to the American colonies. In 1733, the first American lodge was established in Boston, under the authority of the Grand Lodge of England. The United States now has grand lodges in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Contact: Brad Maxwell

Amesville Senior Center sponsored by Village Productions: Open on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at
the Grange Hall. Featuring: Free wifi access, Coffee and snacks, Books from the New Coonskin Library, Internet and
computer assistance, Local speakers, Crafts, games and discussions And more... 9:00 am till 12:00
the Grange Hall. Featuring: Free wifi access, Coffee and snacks, Books from the New Coonskin Library, Internet and
computer assistance, Local speakers, Crafts, games and discussions And more... 9:00 am till 12:00

Coonskin Library Association: The Coonskin Library Association was formed in the mid-1980s under the leadership of Robert Avery, then Principal of the Amesville Elementary School. In 1994 the Amesville Elementary School gave the Association the small building near its playground. It was formerly a one-room school that had been moved to its current site in 1949. It served first as a high school machine shop and later in the 1950s as the school's cafeteria. The museum became a reality through the combined efforts of many local individuals. The museum is currently most used by school children who visit while on school trips. Individuals and groups may arrange for tours and visits by contacting Robert Avery, Association President. The museum is not easily found. It is located behind the Amesville Elementary School off SR 329 north of SR 550. It is not served by a major street and does not have an adjacent parking area. https://amesvillehistory.weebly.com/history.html

Federal Hocking School District, Amesville Elementary School: Amesville Elementary prides itself on getting to know our children and families well. We are fortunate that our school is small enough so that we can get to know the children we educate. The responsibility of your child’s education falls greatly on our shoulders and with your much-needed help we believe that your child can succeed. I look forward to meeting and working with the families of our students. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at 448-2501 Principal http://www.fedhock.com/3/Home

Solid Ground School: Solid Ground School is a nature-based independent school opening in the fall of 2019 at Solid Ground Farm in Athens County, Ohio. Our program follows a project-based curriculum and emphasizes hands-on learning through active engagement with the natural world, participation in the inquiry process, and daily individualized and group instruction. We offer a student to teacher ratio of 9:1 and are currently accepting students ages 4 through 8. https://www.solidgroundschool.com/

Village Productions: Village Productions (VP) is a private, non-profit community-based organization serving rural, mostly Appalachian, area around Amesville, Ohio. VP has three major program sections: Children’s Programming, Adult Education and Community Events.
Our Mission Statement: Village Production’s mission is to provide learning opportunities through the living arts. Our goal is to create classes and programs in movement, music, crafts, nature, ecology and life skills that support healthy development of children, families and individuals. Our objective is to support and strengthen the Amesville community. www.village-productions.org or contact: 777-4621
Our Mission Statement: Village Production’s mission is to provide learning opportunities through the living arts. Our goal is to create classes and programs in movement, music, crafts, nature, ecology and life skills that support healthy development of children, families and individuals. Our objective is to support and strengthen the Amesville community. www.village-productions.org or contact: 777-4621